Saturday 21 October 2017

weekly round up

  • Had brackets put on my back teeth and now every single tooth has a bracket! My orthodontist changed the wire and it now reaches my back teeth where it'll shift them into a straighter position. I'm excited for the end result. I glanced at his laptop as I left the room and saw a 2d image of a nice set of teeth. I asked him if that's what my teeth are meant to look like, to which he laughed and said, yes, "it just takes time" he said. I can't wait to take my braces off. A little over a year to go!
  • I received my blood test results and everything seems fine until my doctor mentions that I'm lacking in vitamin D, which is so weird as I've never had this problem before. I guess I need more sunshine and be eating raw foods. I know this year has been very different in terms of my diet due to my braces and that could be the reason why.
  • I appreciate that my supervisor (who is new to the company) is trying his best to get to know me better as we're both meant to be working together as a team. He recently asked me how old I was to which I replied,"30" and his shocked expression followed. He thought I was in my early twenties, lol. People are often telling me I look young for my age but nothing beats when I walked into a bank last week and the lady assumed I was still a teenager, lmao. I wasn't sure whether I needed to be offended or not, rofl. I told my supervisor that it's probably due to my Asian genes :) Honestly, 30 isn't even that old.
  • Had to lecture my class about a really delicate topic - body odour. It was the most uncomfortable subject I've ever had to talk about. Being the supervisor has its pros and cons and this is one of the cons! A few of my students brought up the subject after having a foul smell lingering the room last week. I decided to go through the OHS practice and procedures again while placing much more emphasis on personal hygiene. I hope I made my point clear, otherwise I need to bring the issue over to my manager.