Monday 23 October 2017

long day

Happy Monday!

Believe it or not Mondays are usually my favourite days and I look forward to coming into work because of my students, they're just that great and amazing. If I had a shitty weekend, I could always count on my Monday students to make me feel better. They're a very loud bunch but that's what makes the day fun. Like some of them have already mentioned, once my contract is up and I'm ready to pack up and leave, they know I'm going to miss them, lol. We joke around saying I'm going to need therapy after I leave due to the nature of the class, haha. The topics they talk about are....interesting and......explicit, hence why I'm heading straight to therapy!

I also did supervisory work at Merrylands ESG and had an amazing time there. My colleagues and my students made it so enjoyable to come into work. I formed a great relationship with my students where we were able to talk comfortably about different topics, especially when some of them weren't fluent in English and really wanted to improve on the language with hopes of securing employment in the future. Some highlights was when I discovered two my of students who are Lebanese were obsessed with K-dramas, lol. Over time most of them were trying to match me up with random Korean actors with hopes of finding me a boyfriend, haha. They knew my favourite Korean actor was Gong Yoo and joked that he would be my future husband one day. Good times ~